๐Ÿ”What is a KeepKey? Trezor? Hardware Wallet?

To use ShapeShift.com, you will need a hardware wallet. This begs the question: what is a hardware wallet?

A hardware wallet is often referred to as "cold storage". It is a device that can hold your assets for you. in a safe, secure manner. This physical device connects to your computer via a cord; most devices will not allow your private keys to interact with your hard drive or the internet. This is why it is a more secure option than many others, such as online wallets, mobile wallets, or desktop wallets.


You may have heard of KeepKey, which is ShapeShift's premier hardware wallet. KeepKey features a large, attractive screen, and native token support. With a KeepKey, you control your private keys, which means that you can still access your crypto if something happens to the company


ShapeShift.com also works with Trezor, another type of hardware wallet. Trezor has more than one device type - the Trezor Model T and the Trezor One. If you currently own a Trezor, ShapeShift.com is the best way to navigate your assets and market data.

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