โ˜€๏ธDecentralized ShapeShift - What Does it Mean

Decentralized ShapeShift - What Does it Mean?

ShapeShift is decentralizing to the ShapeShift DAO! This is very exciting news and will allow the community to steer the direction of our suite of products and services and contribute to our future success!

What is a DAO? A DAO is a "decentralize autonomous organization". You can learn more about DAO's, their history, and their future in this awesome Cointelegraph guide.

To learn more about ShapeShift's plans please see our announcement page here. It walks through the TL;DR of how this transition will happen and token governance will take over our currently corporate model. This post from our former CEO Erik Voorhees dives even deeper into the why and the philosophies that brought us to this juncture as a company.

Questions about being a part of the DAO? Do you want to contribute? Learn how to submit a proposal here: https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process/55

Last updated