📥How To Fund Your ETH Account So You Can Send Tokens

Anytime you'd like to send an ERC20 token from your wallet to another address, you'll need to make sure you have a balance of ETH in order to fund the gas fee. If you have 0 ETH, you will not be able to send any tokens.

How Do I Get ETH?

ShapeShift has integrated Banxa and Gem which allows you to purchase ETH (and several other cryptocurrencies) using fiat. Both of these services can be used on beta.shapeshift.com and mobile.

How Do I Send Myself Some ETH?

1. Make sure you have a wallet connected to beta.shapeshift.com

2. Navigate to the assets page and locate ETH. Once you are on the ETH asset page click Receive at the top of the page.

3. Copy the address and send ETH from another wallet to this address. Keep in mind that you will only need a small amount of ETH to cover gas fees (no more than $2 worth).

4. Now that you have some ETH in your account, you can send any ERC20 token!

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